The Next Evolution of Genomics

An electronic mapping platform for a full view of the human genome.

The OhmX Analyser
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OhmX RAMP UP Grant
Grant Program

OhmX RAMP UP Grant

The OhmX RAMP UP Grant Awarded to 15 Laboratories to Advance Genomic Research

Electrify Your Stuctural Variant Analysis

Electrify Your Stuctural Variant Analysis

Structural variants (SVs) are the dominant form of genomic variation and make up over 1% of the human genome. To fully realize the promise of genomics and improve human health, researchers and clinicians must query and understand all forms of SVs.

Straightforward and cost-effective SV analysis

Straightforward and cost-effective SV analysis

The OhmX Analyzer is a simple benchtop solution designed to drive SV detection at the whole genome level. With its low cost and minimal set-up requirements, researchers and scientists can now conveniently access SV data, without compromising on sensitivity and accuracy.

Unrivaled resolution to uncover new insights

Unrivaled resolution to uncover new insights

Our state-of-the-art, electronic nano-detectors deliver the highest resolution for whole genome structural variant analysis. With the analyzer, you can perform whole genome analysis of SVs down to 300bp in size—enabling insights into previously undetectable DNA variations.

Reliable, actionable, and easy-to-interpret data

Reliable, actionable, and easy-to-interpret data

Nabsys has partnered with Hitachi High Tech to develop and release the Human Chromosome Explorer™ (HCE), a suite of secondary analytical software tools that seamlessly assembles genomes and identifies SVs according to custom parameters. The Human Chromosome Explorer puts actionable SV data at your fingertips.

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Our Products

The state-of-the-art OhmX Platform uses electronic nano-detectors to deliver the highest resolution for whole genome structural variant analysis. You can now perform whole genome analysis of SVs down to 300bp in size—enabling insights into previously undetectable DNA variations.

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OhmX Platform
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Discover Nabsys’ resources: posters, publications, and white papers on electronic genome mapping and structural variant analysis.

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