
Sample Prep Kit

The OhmX Analyzer streamlines structural variant detection with a fast, user-friendly workflow, providing genome-wide insights in just two days.

From DNA to Insights

One-day, amplification-free DNA analysis

The OhmX Sample Prep workflow provides a seamless path from DNA to valuable insights on the OhmX Analyzer. Our workflow is amplification-free for unbiased, whole genome-wide structural variant detection. This user-friendly workflow allows you to go from cells to injection in just one day using standard molecular biology techniques, without the need for additional equipment.

~60 mins
DNA Isolation
1 day
Sample preparation
Easy-to-use workflow

Flexibility, Speed, and Ease of Use

Flexible, two-day workflow for insights

Expedite your research and detect a broadened range of structural variants with electronic genome mapping starting with an easy to follow sample preparation workflow.

  • Ease of use: The OhmX platform is designed to be accessible to anyone in your laboratory without the need for additional lab equipment. Leveraging standard molecular biology techniques, the process is user-friendly and does not require specialized training.
  • Flexible: Sample prep on the OhmX platform offers flexibility, allowing you to adapt your workflow to your research needs. The protocol contains multiple convenient stopping points and the ability to store the OhmX library for up to two weeks; you can plan your experiments at your convenience.
  • Quick two-day workflow: The entire sample preparation process takes just two days, significantly reducing the time required for your research. This speed enables you to generate insights and results more rapidly.

DNA Isolation

Flexible, two-day workflow for insights

Our recommended High-Molecular Weight (HMW) DNA extraction workflow is NEB’s Monarch(r) HMW DNA Extraction Kit for Cells & Blood #T3050S. This protocol has been further optimized for use with the OhmX platform, which can map long-range HMW DNA molecules of 50kb-500kb. This streamlined ~60 minute protocol yields more than 5 μg of pure high-molecular weight DNA with flexible input requirements of only ~1 million cells or 200-500uL of blood.

DNA Isolation

DNA Labeling

High-density tagging for genome insights

Our DNA labeling process involves precisely tagging high-molecular weight DNA at known recognition sites using sequence-specific nicking enzymes. On average, the interval spacing between the tagged sites is ~4kb per HMW DNA molecule allowing for high-density tagging across the whole genome. This process creates tagged DNA molecules that are then electronically detected as they traverse channels on the OhmX Analyzer. The resulting data provides a comprehensive and precise genome-wide map of tagged positions, offering insights into structural variations, rearrangements, and genomic alterations with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

OhmX Sample Prep Kit: The sample preparation process entails sequence-specific DNA nicking, precise labeling and tagging of these nicked sites with a proprietary tag to enhance electronic detection. The final step of sample preparation involves coating the DNA with a DNA binding protein to increase the signal in the detector and ensure the precise detection of sequence-specific tags.

DNA Labeling
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